This is my humble effort to reduce my plastic consumption and waste for Zero Waste Week 2022.
My health has been challenging with a painful right shoulder.
My health has prevented me from typing, walking and my anxiety has prevented me from visiting Zero Waste Shops and facilities.
I hope to support the Zero Waste Week 2022 movement with a translation in Urdu and more visits to Zero Waste Shops next year.
This month I continued to heal from my shoulder procedure (January 2022) and learning to live with pain in my right shoulder.
I was completed module 1 of the Changemaker Lab - World Pulse 2022 cohort and updated my initiative.
I was invited to participate in the World Pulse PIE Steering Committee.
This year my shoulders prevented me from attending webinars organised by the Fairtrade Foundation UK team.
On a positive note I managed to post every day during Ramadan 2022 and produced a video in English and Urdu.
This month I continued to heal from my shoulder procedure (January 2022) and am learning to live with pain in my right shoulder.
I was accepted on the Changemaker Lab - World Pulse 2022 cohort and participated in Plastic Free July 2022.
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder and a bacterial eye infection.
I participated in a Guided Vision Journaling Session with Jensine Larsen founder of World Pulse.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my application to attend the IKEA Lagom Live Sustainability Programme would be successful.
Lagom translated in Swedish means 'just the right amount.'
Here is my summary of the 9 month programme 2021-22.
Congratulations to the Sustainability leaders Tayab and Ahmed for organising this programme.
Congratulations to my peers, Ester, Stephanie and Dawn for participating in the course with me.
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder and a bacterial eye infection.
I celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr and World Fair Trade Day 2022.
World Fair Trade Day 2022
۲۰۲۲ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے
This year The World Fair Trade Organization's campaign was hashtag,
اس سال ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ آرگنائزیشن کی مہم ہیش ٹیگ ہے،
#کلعمت جستس
# چلو اسے فیئر ٹریڈ کرتے ہیں مزید پڑھنا اور لنکس
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
I celebrated Fairtrade Ramadan.
I continued to participate in my 10th Six Items Challenge with Labour Behind The Label.
I participated in the Ikea Lagom Live Get Growing Session.
This months session was titled Get Growing.
I enjoyed learning about get growing at home, composting and the activity slides.
Many thanks to Ahmed for creating and organising the presentation and providing refreshments.
Hello, Assalaam Alaikum, peace and blessings!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my Six Items Challenge 2022 blog.
I'm Sabeena, a social entrepreneur, fair trade campaigner and educator.
So here I am for the 10th consecutive year participating in the Six Items Challenge with Labour Behind The Label.
This blog has taken a long time to complete due to a horrible bacterial eye infection I've had since February.
This year the challenge commences 2nd March - 27th April 2022.
Happy 20th Birthday Labour Behind The Labour team!
Much love
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
Sadly, I was recovering from a painful bacterial eye infection and could only participate in a few March Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 webinars.
I participated in my 10th Six Items Challenge with Labour Behind The Label.
I supported the World Fair Trade Organizations campaign for International Day 2022 #SheLeadsTheWay.
I attended the The World Pulse 50: Voices Rising Award online Ceremony and was recognised as a Digital Empowerment Awardee along with 49 other exceptional women.
This year I was poorly and celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 by attending a few webinars.
This year the Fairtrade Foundation's campaign is a continuation about Farmers Climate Change, Fairtrade and You.
Hello my name is Sabeena.
I'm a fair trade entrepreneur, ambassador, campaigner and educator.
This is my message for International Women's Day 2022.
#SheLeadsTheWay and #BreakTheBias
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
I attended the February 2022 IKEA LIVE Lagom upcycling session.
Sadly, I was recovering from a painful swollen eye infection and could only participate in two February Fairtrade Fortnight 22 webinars.
I did attend the Anti-Racism in the anti-sweatshop movement webinar with Labour Behind the Label and Mayisha Begum.
On a cold and very windy Tuesday evening I attended the IKEA session about upcycling items.
Many thanks to Ahmed for providing a wheelchair, and providing a behind the scenes of upcycling at IKEA.
Hello, Assalaam Alaikum, peace and blessings,
My name is Sabeena and this is my message for World Cancer Day 2022!
My beautiful mother Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer March 2012, she was 59 years old.
Mum courageously received 4 years of chemotherapy and radiotherapy before she returned to her maker April 2016, she was 62 years old.
Happy New Year!
This month I had a procedure and had 16 injections to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
I attended the January 2022 virtual IKEA LIVE Lagom session, Waste Not Want Not and wrote a my blog for World Cancer Day 2022.
Another painful month and a stressful month with my left shoulder.
I went to see an orthopaedic consultant who recommended I have injections to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
I attended the virtual World Pulse Community Mentor Graduation 2021 and after 4 years wrote my personal experiences about Invisible Disabilities and Chronic Pain.
My name is Sabeena, I love fair trade chocolate, travelling and writing blogs and producing films and about the fair trade producers and artisans I visit when I'm well.
I've lived with invisible disabilities for 30 years and chronic pain for last 4.
I've tried to keep the video short because my left shoulder is very painful.
Its been frustrating explaining my invisible medical disabilities and chronic pain to individuals who couldn't care less.
I'd like to change the narrative!
Another painful month and a stressful MRI scan and multiple appointments to see my orthopaedic consultant. My left shoulder has been excruciatingly painful.
I was happy to receive my copy of Bruce Crowther's book 'Not In My Lifetime.'
I attended day one of the annual International Fair Trade Towns Conference 2021.
This month I continued to heal from all my surgeries. Another painful month with my shoulders causing me stress and pain.
I published my blog and videos about the World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Program in English and Urdu. This blog took 5 months to write and translate due to my painful shoulders.
I attended the Ethical Consumer Week online conference 2021 and wrote a summary of some of the sessions I attended.
I was chosen to attend the IKEA Lagom Live 9 month sustainability program.
I received my certificate for attending the Muslim Mental Health and Wellbeing Alliance Conference, Muslim Mental Health in an Unequal World.
For the second year I attended sessions at the Ethical Consumer 2021 virtual conference.
Here is my summary of some sessions I attended.
Many thanks to the Ethical Consumer team and guest speakers for their time.