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The Little Fair Trade Blog

World Cancer Day - 4th February 2019

World Cancer Day - 4th February 2019

After a brave 4 year struggle with metastatic breast cancer my beautiful mother Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano returned to her maker.

My siblings and I miss her terribly.

I have recorded this video for World Cancer Day 2019 and hope it will assist others in the Pakistani and Asian community to talk openly about cancer prevention, palliative care and those left behind.

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June 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

June 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

This June I continued to fast during Ramadan and took a break from Facebook.

I devoted my time to abstain, reflect and connect with the Almighty. Concentrated on my health and prayed for my beloved parents.

I managed to sign up to Do Nation. Do Nation helps people commit to make small behaviour changes that add up to a better world.

I supported the I AM ROHINGYA theatre production group in Canada.

Enrolled on the Future Learn Fashion Revolution Course 'Who Made Your Clothes?'

The Macmillan Campaigns team UK asked to share my World Cancer Day vlog about my late mother on their site.

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