This months session was about upcycling items.
Ahmed (Sustainablilty Leader) had prepared a presentation.
What's an item that you have had for as long as you can remember?
I answered my parental home in Manchester.
What is upcycling to you slide
What is upcycling to you?
Upcycling is a great way of addressing these waste figure and encouraging people to think about reusing previously unwanted items.
What is upcycling to you?
Upcycling is reusing discarded products or materials to create a product of higher quality or perceived value the original.
So, why upcycle?
So, why upcycle?
The Buyerarchy of needs (with apologies to Maslow)
So, why upcycle?
Circularity at IKEA
Linear Economy
Recycling Economy
Circular Economy
Circular IKEA
Our circular approach to Reusing and Recycling is an essential part of our commitment to becoming climate positive by 2030.
What is IKEA doing?
Services, resources and tools
FIXA range
Spare parts
Buyback scheme
Uplifting and disposal services
IKEA Buyback Scheme
Helping you help your furniture
What else do we do?
Circular Hub
Charity Partners
Recycling behind the scenes
Ahmed explaining the Recycling at IKEA slide
Recycling at IKEA
Chris - Chief Recycler
Circular Hub
FIXA tools
IKEA Products Upcycling
IKEA Products Upcycling
Upcycling Ideas and Techniques
Upcycling Ideas and Techniques
Tack! Thank you!
Upcycle a small piece of furniture or accessory with shown techniques and make it your own.
My cane partition
Its not a small piece of furniture but I have aspirations of painting it white.
Wood conditioner
White IKEA paint
Many thanks for Ahmed for providing wheelchair assistance for the tour of the Recycling team and Circular Hub. I was very grateful.
Thank you for our IKEA gifts
I look forward to the April 2022 session.
Further Reading and Links
This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary.
This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.
I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.
Translation in Urdu