Video tba
This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder.
I attended the February 2022 IKEA LIVE Lagom upcycling session.
Sadly, I was recovering from a painful swollen eye infection and could only participate in two February Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 webinars.
I did attend the Anti-Racism in the anti-sweatshop movement webinar with Labour Behind the Label and Mayisha Begum of OH SO ETHICAL.
For those that don't know I've been living with painful shoulders for the past 5 years and PCOS/Endometriosis for the last 30 years.
During November 2017 I had my first rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder, and then a year later October 2018 I had the same surgery on my left shoulder.
After a few months of intolerable pain I was addmited to hospital to have a ruptured cyst removed 17th March 2020. This was my third polycystic ovarian surgery since 2004.
Its been a long 5 years of excruciating pain, sleepless nights and slow healing.
I still have bouts of low energy, pain and anxiety/panic attacks.
January 2022 was the month I finally had injections to relieve the pain in my left shoulder.
It's been a long two months of healing and I'm trying to keep positive.
Thank you to all my friends and family who pray for my recovery and good health.
This months session was about upcycling items.
Ahmed (Sustainablilty Leader) had prepared a presentation.
What's an item that you have had for as long as you can remember?
I answered my parental home in Manchester.
What is upcycling to you slide
What is upcycling to you?
Upcycling is a great way of addressing these waste figure and encouraging people to think about reusing previously unwanted items.
What is upcycling to you?
Upcycling is reusing discarded products or materials to create a product of higher quality or perceived value the original.
So, why upcycle?
So, why upcycle?
The Buyerarchy of needs (with apologies to Maslow)
So, why upcycle?
Circularity at IKEA
Linear Economy
Recycling Economy
Circular Economy
Circular IKEA
Our circular approach to Reusing and Recycling is an essential part of our commitment to becoming climate positive by 2030.
What is IKEA doing?
This year I was poorly and celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 by attending a few webinars.
This year the Fairtrade Foundation's campaign is a continuation about Farmers Climate Change, Fairtrade and You.
Actor, director and Fairtrade Foundation Patron Adjoa Andoh introduces this special film screening of the ground-breaking, Farmers Fighting the Global Crisis documentary.
Star of the documentary Caroline Rono, a Fairtrade coffee farmer in Kenya, joins live to answer your questions.
The film focuses on the effects of climate change, and how farmers like Caroline are using Fairtrade to take on the climate crisis they face every day.
Video courtesy of the Fairtrade Foundation UK
Day 3
I attended the a webinar Education for Climate Justice
To mark Fairtrade Fortnight 2022, an expert panel of educators and activists explore the role of the education sector in building a more just, sustainable world.
Chef, writer, broadcaster and Fairtrade Patron Allegra McEvedy MBE hosts, and is joined by Phoebe L. Hanson from the Teach the Future campaign; Jennifer Buchan, Primary Teacher, Hutchesons’ Grammar School; and Professor Douglas Bourn, Director of the UCL Development Education Research Centre. Harriet Lamb CBE, CEO of sustainable energy charity Ashden and former CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation
I also attended the webinar with Climate Coalition and the Fairtrade Foundation
I decided to support Labour Behind the Label and their webinar with Mayisha Begum about anti racism in the anti sweat shop movement.
I've posted some slides below for those interested.
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical.
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
Answer: 60
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical.
Answer: 75%
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical.
Answer: A third
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
All credits to Mayisha Begum of Oh So Ethical
If you've got this far I'm seriously impressed. You deserve a pat on the back!
Thank you so much for reading and I wish everyone a very Happy Fairtrade Fortnight 2022.
Love, peace and blessings!
This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary.
This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.
I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.
Translation in Urdu