“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

The Little Fair Trade Blog

Future Learn - Social Enterprise: Turning Ideas Into Action, Middlesex University Business School

Future Learn - Social Enterprise: Turning Ideas Into Action, Middlesex University Business School

Last year I enrolled on the Future Learn Social Enterprise 'Business Doing Good' course with the Middlesex University Business School and the Jindal Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


I  thoroughly enjoyed the course and my participation with all the other candidates.

I also enrolled on the second course Social Enterprise: Turning Ideas into Action.

Lesson 3.11, all participants were asked to submit a video about their social enterprise and enter the International Social Innovation Challenge 2016.

I won my social pitch and would like to congratulate Palma Milicevic and Emma Butler who were awarded consultancy and support.

Thank you to all the candidates who entered and voted for me.

Many thanks to Dr Sara Calvo, Jeremy Wade and all the other mentors.

Best wishes to everyone with their social enterprises.


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World Fair Trade Day 2017 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

World Fair Trade Day 2017 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This years World Fair Trade Organization campaign was 'Agent For Change', Human Chains for Fair Trade and the Planet.

I am very grateful to the beautiful ladies at the Dubai Business Women Council who very kindly modelled the Agent for Change posters for me.

I also managed to go to Jumeirah beach and conduct an impromptu beach photo shoot near the iconic Burj Al Arab.

Best wishes to all fairtrade producers, artists, supporters, volunteers and friends around the world for being the voice and change for social, environmental and trade justice.



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The Six Items Challenge 2017 with LAbour Behind The Label

The Six Items Challenge 2017 with LAbour Behind The Label

For the sixth consecutive year I'm participating and supporting Labour Behind The Label and their innovative concept raising awareness about fast fashion by fasting for fashion.

The Six Items Challenge simply means that for six weeks I will be wearing six items of every day clothing, don't worry I am entitled to an endless supply of undergarments and exercise gear.


I care about the millions of countless individuals producing clothes and accessories in factories and workshops around the world who deserve a decent living wage and good working conditions.

If you would like to participate or support Labour Behind The Label's work click to read more.

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June 2016 Newsletter Video Blog - Fair Trade Lebanon & Fair Trade Travels

June 2016 Newsletter Video Blog - Fair Trade Lebanon & Fair Trade Travels

Fair Trade Lebanon

In this month recap I've talked about my Ramadan reflections and participating in my first ever International Fair Trade Towns Conference 2016, Baskinta, Lebanon.

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Six Items Challenge 2016 with Labour Behind The Label

Six Items Challenge 2016 with Labour Behind The Label

Here I am for the fifth consecutive year participating in the Six Items Challenge with Labour Behind The Label.Every little helps and your donation will provide Labour Behind The Label the opportunity to raise awareness about the rights of factory workers and improve their wages and working conditions. Watch my video...

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Fair Trade Pioneers - Visit to Traidcraft, UK - 2011 & 2015

Fair Trade Pioneers - Visit to Traidcraft, UK - 2011 & 2015

My Visit to Traidcraft

I recently visited Alistair Menzies at Traidcraft's head office, Gateshead, UK and was invited to provide input for a video the Traidcraft team is producing for FairtradeUAE.

This was my second visit to Gateshead and I was interested to learn about Traidcraft's new initiatives and fair trade products.

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