It was a dream come true to finally travel to the country of my parents birth, India.
I arrived in Dehli and was greeted by a beautiful warm evening.
What followed was one of the most memorable weeks of my life.
Despite recovering from two shoulder surgeries and enduring a terrible bout of Dehli belly I proceeded with my magical tour.
I was humbled and privileged to visit two World Fair Trade Certified Organizations, M.E.S.H and Tara Projects.
Many thanks to Mathew K and Ms Moon Sharma for their time, care and hospitality.
Sadly, I was unable to interview Mathew, Ms Jacky Bonnie or the producer groups on this occasion and hope to interview them the next time I visit.
I have attached videos and photographs of my visit below.
M.E.S.H, Dehli India,
the lovely Tina modelling handwoven scarves
M.E.S.H Dehli India, hand embroidered Kashmiri bags
M.E.S.H Dehli India, hand embroidered towels napkins aprons
M.E.S.H Dehli India, fairtrade hand made toy elephants
M.E.S.H Shop, Dehli India, fairtrade hand made toys
M.E.S.H Shop Dehli India, fairtrade hand made accessories.
the lovely Tina modelling a fairtrade frog cushion
M.E.S.H Shop Dehli India, 'THE AMAZING M.E.S.H TEAM.'
M.E.S.H Shop Dehli India, THE AMAZING M.E.S.H TEAM
and Sabeena Ahmed
Mathew's comments in my guest book
Mathew's comments
I finally planned my visit to their shop in New Delhi and recorded several videos promoting the work of disabled artisans from all over India.
The shop was a treasure trove of hand embroidered bespoke home accessories, children's toys and bags.
If you happen to travel to Dehli the M.E.S.H shop is one fairtrade organisation you must visit and support.
What a gem of shop!
5, Local Shopping Centre,
Uday Park,
New Delhi 110 049
Tel. +91 11 41661499
To provide opportunities for disabled people and people affected by leprosy to achieve social and economic integration by trading.
Self-sufficiency for our partners.
To provide opportunities for disabled people and their dependents, especially those affected by leprosy, to be rehabilitated in order to become self-sufficient
To train disabled people to produce goods suited to their capabilities
To serve as a guide in the selection of what will sell best
To assist in obtaining raw materials
To ensure prompt payment for goods to provide constant cash flow and working capital for continued production
To maintain quality control
To provide guidance to village industries in developing cost sheets which include fair wages for the artisans as well as overheads and profits
To secure orders with the aim of providing full-time employment for disabled people
To secure orders with the aim of providing full-time employment for disabled people.
Courtesy of the M.E.S.H website
I had the pleasure of welcoming CEO Ms Jackie Bonney now resident consultant and Manager Mathew to Dubai when they visited 2012.
Ms Jacky Bonnie MBE and Mathew KK of M.E.S.H Dehli, India
visiting Sabeena Ahmed in Dubai, UAE November 2012
This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary.
This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.
I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.
Translation in Urdu