“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

The Little Fair Trade Blog

Social Enterprise Showcase 2019 - Middlesex University Dubai

Social Enterprise Showcase 2019 - Middlesex University Dubai

This April I was invited once again to judge 5 social enterprise businesses at the Middlesex University Dubai. 

Many thanks to Shanthi Rajan, Sandra Stevenson, Suzannah Fernandes and Dr Michael Kloep and Dr Cody Paris for their hospitality.

It was a difficult decision as all the social enterprises were winners.

Congratulations to Pentagon and their initiative Mihriban for their concept and vision.

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March 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

March 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This March my play was performed by actors at at the Emirates Literature Foundation.


I was chosen as a finalist as Change maker of the Year for Be the Change Awards 2019  and Ethical Hour.


Despite struggling with my shoulders I participated in the Six Items Challenge for the eighth year.

I enrolled on the Be The Change Course with Oxfam and the Open University.

I welcomed environmental activist Isatou Ceesay and her son Madou to Dubai.

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Ethical Pioneer - Interview with Isatou Ceesay, co author of One Plastic Bag visits Dubai, UAE, March/April 2019

Ethical Pioneer - Interview with Isatou Ceesay, co author of One Plastic Bag visits Dubai, UAE, March/April 2019

Isatou Ceesay and son Madou stayed with me for 5 days during their 7 day visit

to Dubai.

Isatou Ceesay is an environmental activist and social entrepreneur from Njau, Gambia.

For over 18 years she has been reducing the use of single use plastic.

She has co-authored a book about her plastic journey titled One Plastic Journey with Miranda Paul who I interviewed  April 19.

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World Pulse Ambassador UAE - March 2019

World Pulse Ambassador UAE - March 2019

February 2019 I applied to become an ambassador with World Pulse.

My application was accepted.

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Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 - Dubai and the United Arab Emirates

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 - Dubai and the United Arab Emirates

This year I celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 Dubai with friends.

What is Fairtrade Fortnight?

For two weeks each year, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who grow our food, people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world and who are often exploited and badly paid.

This year the Fairtrade Foundation are focusing on the people, in particular the women who grow the cocoa in the chocolate we love so much. 

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January 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

January 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This January I completed my Social Business Model, Reflective Artifact, attended my graduation ceremony, assisted the NAMA (The Badiri Academy) and the School For Social Entrepreneur London and Liverpool teams to part design the second cohort and enrolled on a play writing course with Alex Broun at the Emirates Literature Foundation.

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World Cancer Day - 4th February 2019

World Cancer Day - 4th February 2019

After a brave 4 year struggle with metastatic breast cancer my beautiful mother Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano returned to her maker.

My siblings and I miss her terribly.

I have recorded this video for World Cancer Day 2019 and hope it will assist others in the Pakistani and Asian community to talk openly about cancer prevention, palliative care and those left behind.

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Social Business Canvas, Graduation Video Presentation and Reflective Artifact  - The Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Programme and School For Social Entrepreneurs London International Scholarship Programme 2018

Social Business Canvas, Graduation Video Presentation and Reflective Artifact - The Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Programme and School For Social Entrepreneurs London International Scholarship Programme 2018

This January I completed my Social Business Canvas, Graduation Presentation and Reflective Artifact for the Badiri Social Enterpreneurship Programme and School For Social Entrepreneurs International Scholarship Programme 2018.

Congratulations to my peers on your graduation.

I wish you all every success with your concepts and businesses.

Sabeena X

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Badiri Academy (BSEP), NAMA, School For Social Entrepreneurs Graduation Presentation and Ceremony 2019, Sharjah UAE

Badiri Academy (BSEP), NAMA, School For Social Entrepreneurs Graduation Presentation and Ceremony 2019, Sharjah UAE

The 21st January 2019 was a day I will never forget.

I finally completed my scholarship programme with the Badiri Academy, NAMA, UAE and the School For Social Entrepreneurs London, UK.

I presented my graduation presentation and received my certificate.

Many thanks to Jo Van Osch my mentor for supporting me throughout the programme.

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Workshop with Bel Pesce - Dubai, UAE, December 2018

Workshop with Bel Pesce - Dubai, UAE, December 2018

I was honoured to attend a workshop on entrepreneurship with renowned writer and computer tech expert/genius Bel Pesce.

Many thanks to NAMA and the BSEP team for organising this event.

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December 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

December 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This December I participated at the Swiss Business Council Christmas Market,
Abu Dhabi, for the third time.
Attended a workshop with Bel Pesce and was over the moon to be included in Feedspots 25 Fairtrade blogs 2019 in the world. 
Many thanks to the NAMA and BSEP administrations teams for organising this event.

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Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Programme (BSEP) and Academy, NAMA and (SSE) the School for Social Entrepreneurs London International Scholarship Programme 2018 - Cohort 1

Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Programme (BSEP) and Academy, NAMA and (SSE) the School for Social Entrepreneurs London International Scholarship Programme 2018 - Cohort 1

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Fair Trade Travels - Visit to the Good Shepherd Sisters and Interview with Sister Louise Horgan

Fair Trade Travels - Visit to the Good Shepherd Sisters and Interview with Sister Louise Horgan

During the final week of June I traveled to Thailand to visit Sister Louise of the Good Shepherd Sisters Bangkok, Thailand.

Many thanks to Sister Louise for taking time out of her busy schedule to talk about her pioneering work.

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Fair Trade Travels - Heritage Crafts and Cafe Bangkok (ThaiCraft) and Interview with Mr Stephen Salmon

Fair Trade Travels - Heritage Crafts and Cafe Bangkok (ThaiCraft) and Interview with Mr Stephen Salmon

In a recently restored building in one of one of the oldest pats of Bangkok, the Heritage Craft Shop and Café is a beautiful respite from the heat and a wonderful place to conduct to some fair trade retail therapy.

Conveniently located in the old city of Bangkok near (Rattanakosin Island).

The Heritage Craft and Cafe is a treasure trove of lovingly hand crafted fair trade gifts have been selected by its founder Mr Stephen Salmon.

Highly recommended the gorgeous interior has been lovingly restored.

The cafe serves freshly brewed fair-trade coffee or tea and yummy chocolate cake.

I had the honour and privilege of visiting Mr Salmon again and thank him for his time.

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November 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

November 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This November I travelled to the UK to attend appointments with medical professionals.

Completed a photo shoot of new fairtrade products.

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July 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

July 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This July I traveled to the UK and visited the London Textile Fair with my dear friend Sunita.

I attended the UK leg of the Social Entrepreneurship Programme in 
London with the Badiri Academy, NAMA and the School for Social Entrepreneurs London and Cornwall.

Many thanks to all the guest speakers and the NAMA and SSE's teams for their support, expertise and wisdom.

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June 2018 - Newsletter  Video Blog Summary

June 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This June I collapsed at the end of Ramadan and required urgent IVs for iron, glucose and vitamins. Betathalasemia minor is pain!

During the final week of June I traveled to Thailand to visit Sister Louise of the Good Shepherd Sisters Bangkok and Mr Stephen Salmon of the Heritage Crafts and Cafe, (ThaiCraft) Bangkok, Thailand.

Many thanks to Sister Louise and Mrs Salmon for taking time out of their busy schedules to talk about their pioneering work.


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May 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2018 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This May I was accepted onto the Badiri Social Enterprise and the School for Social Entrepreneurs Scholarship Progam 2018, UAE.

I received a message from Mr Anuj Agarwal Founder of Feedspot to say The Little Fair Trade blog had been included in a comprehensive list of the top 25 Fair Trade Blogs on the internet.

Embraced the blessed holy month of Ramadan once again.

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My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

I have been campaigning for fairtrade and ethical producers and ethical consumerism in my beloved home city of Manchester, London, Dubai and Abu Dhabi for the past 14 years.

One of greatest accomplishments is converting my mother to fairtrade products before she returned to her maker.


As the only fair trade campaigner, educator and modest retailer in the United Arab Emirates I have struggled to create a niche market for fair trade products.

Nevertheless, I have never lost heart and am more determined than ever to dispel the myth about fair trade being ''charity.''

It was a wonderful experience to meet Professor Mohammad Yunus at Salford University.

A privilege to discuss fair trade with Dr Jamil Sherif and Mrs Naseema Begum at the Muslim Council of Britain November 2016.

Thank you World Pulse for your compassion and love and for your support in raising my voice as a Muslim Female Social Entrepreneur. 

I continue to educate people about fair trade artisans and groups by promoting the principles of a living wage, self-reliance, empowerment, transparency, environmental sustainability and dignity and self respect for all.

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