“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

Plastic Free July 2022 in English and Urdu with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Plastic Free July 2022 in English and Urdu with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Plastic Free July 2022

This year my right shoulder restricted me from posting daily and it took me a many weeks to edit and produce my Plastic Free July 2022 video in English and translated in Urdu.


Plastic Free July 2022

Plastic Free July 2022 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This year I participated in Plastic Free July for the 4th consecutive year and translated my posts in Urdu for the first year.

This year I was thwarted with severe pain in my right shoulder and struggled to post everyday.

I haven't edited my video yet and hope to post it as soon as I am able.

For those interested in my posts I have posted on my social media handles

Twitter: @thelilfairtrade

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lilfairtrade-shop-137b6216/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sabeena.ahmed.100


اس سال میں نے مسلسل چوتھے سال پلاسٹک فری جولائی میں حصہ لیا اور پہلے سال اپنی پوسٹس کا اردو میں ترجمہ کیا۔

اس سال میں اپنے دائیں کندھے میں شدید درد کی وجہ سے ناکام رہا اور ہر روز پوسٹ کرنے کے لیے جدوجہد کر رہا تھا۔

میں نے ابھی تک اپنے ویڈیو میں ترمیم نہیں کی ہے اور امید کرتا ہوں کہ جیسے ہی میں اسے پوسٹ کروں گا۔

میری پوسٹس میں دلچسپی رکھنے والوں کے لیے میں نے اپنے سوشل میڈیا ہینڈلز پر پوسٹ کیا ہے۔


Plastic Free July - Take the challenge video


I'm taking the Plastic Free July Challenge 2022.


Will you?

Plastic Free July participants:


Reduce their household waste and recycling by 21kg per person per year (almost 5%).


Contribute to a total saving of 940 million kg of plastic waste each year.


8.5 out of 10 people made changes that have become habits/ a way of life.


Plastic Free July are proud how these actions address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - 11, 12, 14 and 15 (sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, life below water, and life on land).


Whether you’re a beginner looking for a few single-use plastics to avoid, or someone well on their way to a plastic free life, we have ideas to inspire you at home, work, school, and within the community.


Check out our resources below and get inspired.
I'm taking the Plastic Free July Challenge 2021.


Translation in Urdu

میں پلاسٹک فری جولائی چیلنج 2022 لے رہا ہوں۔

کیا تم؟

پلاسٹک سے پاک جولائی کے شرکاء:

ان کے گھریلو فضلے اور ری سائیکلنگ کو 21 کلوگرام فی شخص فی سال کم کریں (تقریباً 5%)۔

ہر سال 940 ملین کلو گرام پلاسٹک کے فضلے کی کل بچت میں حصہ ڈالیں۔

10 میں سے 8.5 لوگوں نے ایسی تبدیلیاں کیں جو عادات/زندگی کا ایک طریقہ بن چکی ہیں۔

پلاسٹک فری جولائی کو فخر ہے کہ یہ اقدامات اقوام متحدہ کے پائیدار ترقی کے اہداف - 11، 12، 14 اور 15 (پائیدار شہر اور کمیونٹیز، ذمہ دارانہ پیداوار اور استعمال، پانی کے نیچے زندگی، اور زمین پر زندگی) کو کیسے پورا کرتے ہیں۔

چاہے آپ ایک ابتدائی طور پر استعمال ہونے والے چند پلاسٹک سے بچنے کے لیے تلاش کر رہے ہوں، یا کوئی شخص پلاسٹک سے پاک زندگی کی طرف گامزن ہو، ہمارے پاس گھر، کام، اسکول اور کمیونٹی کے اندر آپ کو متاثر کرنے کے لیے آئیڈیاز ہیں۔

ذیل میں ہمارے وسائل کو چیک کریں اور حوصلہ افزائی کریں۔



Plastic Free July 2022 with Sabeena Z Ahmed



Plastic Free July 2022 with Sabeena Z Ahmed





For those interested I've also posted my blog for Plastic Free July 2021 below.

My Plastic Free July 2021 Video



The Little Fair Trade Blog, Day 1 Plastic Free July 2021, recycled plastic bag purse made my Awa I Manneh and the Recycling Women of Gambia, with Sabeena Z Ahmed

My gorgeous bespoke recycled plastic bag purse created by Awa I Manneh and the Recycling Women of Gambia.

I had the pleasure of welcoming environmental activist and founder Isatou Ceesay to my home a few years ago.

READ: My blog and visit by Isatou Ceesay to Dubai and the UAE.

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Day 1 Plastic Free July 2021, Isatou Ceesay with Sabeena Z Ahmed March/April 2019

 Me with Isatou, Jumeirah Beach April 2019


Day 2

Hand made paper bouquet Thai Craft, Plastic Free July 2021 Day 2 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

 My forever green fair trade recycled paper bouquet.


SDG 12 Plastic Free July 2021

Hand crafted by ladies at Thai Craft, promoting the circular economy, climate change and SDG12.


Day 3

Plastic Free July 2021 Video 

I'm taking the Plastic Free July Challenge 2021.


Will you?

Plastic Free July participants:


Reduce their household waste and recycling by 21kg per person per year (almost 5%).


Contribute to a total saving of 940 million kg of plastic waste each year.


8.5 out of 10 people made changes that have become habits/ a way of life.


Plastic Free July are proud how these actions address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - 11, 12, 14 and 15 (sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, life below water, and life on land).


Whether you’re a beginner looking for a few single-use plastics to avoid, or someone well on their way to a plastic free life, we have ideas to inspire you at home, work, school, and within the community.


Check out our resources below and get inspired.





The Little Fair Trade Blog Say No to single use Plastic, Plastic Free July 2021 with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Say No to Single Use Plastic!
Fancy a fair trade plastic free cuppa?


 The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, Plastic Fossil Fuel and biodegradable tea bags with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Plastic, fossil fuel free and biodegradable tea bags.





The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, Jute Bag ETI and SEDEX certified with Sabeena Z Ahmed

 'All because the lady loves blueberries.' 

SAY NO to plastic bags!


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, Jute Bag ETI and SEDEX certified with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Supporting ethical companies and local businesses is taking small steps to become a responsible consumer and combat climate change and its's impacts.



 The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, Jute Bag ETI and SEDEX certified with Sabeena Z Ahmed



Further Reading





Happy World Chocolate Day!


Proud to support fair trade cocoa farmers from Kuapa Kokoo, Ghana.


Divine Chocolate and Kuapa Kokoo, both led by women, are pioneering progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 5 — this goal aims to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment.


Yes! The plastic sleeve is recyclable.





 Bamboo Toothbrush, for Plastic Free July 21 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

My organic bamboo toothbrush sold in biodegradable, plant-based, Non GMO compostable packaging.



Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner Alert!
The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Recycled Dust Pan and brush, with Sabeena Z Ahmed



My Recycled Wood and Material Dust Pan and Brush
The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Recycled Dust Pan and brush, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


Brush -100% recycled PP
Grip and Base - 40% sustainable wood,
60% recycled PP



100% post-consumer recycled plastic fabric softener bottle. Refill where possible.
The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Ecover fabric softener refillable where available, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


 The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Ecover fabric softener refillable where available, with Sabeena Z Ahmed



 Here are some fairtrade bananas from the Dominican Republic.

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Fairtrade Dominican Republic bananas, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Fairtrade Dominican Republic bananas, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


Wish all supermarkets around the world would stop packaging bananas in unrecyclable plastic.


Lidl is making changes and said it hoped to remove 10,000kg of plastic packaging in the article below published August 2019.



Use the Fairtrade Finder to locate where your fairtrade product comes from.






Gluten, wheat, palm oil and wheat free, vegan, jaffa cakes sold in totally recyclable packaging.

 The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Gluten free jaffa cakes in totally recyclable packaging, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Gluten free jaffa cakes in totally recyclable packaging, with Sabeena Z Ahmed





I'd like to know if these Quaker Oat sachets are recyclable?


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Quaker Oats non recyclable sachets, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Quaker Oats non recyclable sachets, with Sabeena Z Ahmed





Lemon cheesecakes in totally recyclable packaging. 





One of my favourite natural, organic, #fairtrade, #vegan, #crueltyfree and #soilassociation certified ethical brands.

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Odylique deodorant in 100% recyclable packaging, with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Odylique deodorant in 100% recyclable packaging, with Sabeena Z Ahmed

My deodorant packaged in a 100% recycled bottle.








Missed another post yesterday due to painful shoulders.

Could @DeepHeat_UK tell me if the plastic packet and protective films for their Pain Relief Heat Patches are recyclable, compostable or biodegradable?

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Deep heat patches, with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Thank you in advance!




Question: Very tasty, but, why aren't these bars packaged in recyclable or sustainable packaging @marksandspencer?

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Marks and Spencer Peanut and Chocolate Chip Pressed Fruit and Nut Bar in non recyclable packaging with Sabeena Z Ahmed




Proud to support World Fair Trade Organization Certified Member Noah's Ark Int.

My gorgeous handmade, fairtrade, recycled key bowl.


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, WFTO member Noah's Ark Int and their recyclable key bowl with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, WFTO member Noah's Ark Int and their recyclable key bowl with Sabeena Z Ahmed




My beautiful fairtrade recycled bicycle chain bookends, hand made by artisans from Saharanpur, India for Noah's Ark Int.

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, WFTO member Noah's Ark Int and their recycled bicycle chain bookends with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, WFTO member Noah's Ark Int and their recycled bicycle chain bookends with Sabeena Z Ahmed





The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, My succulent, Eid Mubarak 2021 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Eid Al Adha Mubarak to all my friends and family around the world for yesterday and today!

Despite not inheriting my beloved Mums green fingers, I've managed to keep this succulent alive!

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, My succulent, Eid Mubarak 2021 with Sabeena Z Ahmed




Truly scrumptious fairtrade chocolates in totally recyclable packaging. :)


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Seed and Bean chocolate truffles in totally recyclable packaging with Sabeena Z Ahmed




Get well soon right and left shoulder.

Heal the heart, mind and soul with some delicious gluten free, vegan, fairtrade chocolates.

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Vegolino chocolate in totally recyclable packaging with Sabeena Z Ahmed




Dear Biore UK, I'm trying to live a plastic free life and would like to know if all your packaging for the deep cleansing pore strips are biodegradable or compostable?


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Biore deep cleansing pore strips  with Sabeena Z Ahmed




Gluten free, vegan, chocolate brownies. 

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Waitrose gluten free chocolate brownies  with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Waitrose & Partners Could you kindly let me know when the plastic film will be recyclable?

The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Waitrose gluten free chocolate brownies  with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Thank you!





Plastic free, gluten nutty bar.


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Ella nut bar in totally recyclable packaging  with Sabeena Z Ahmed


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Ella nut bar in totally recyclable packaging  with Sabeena Z Ahmed






Oat based vegan chocolate brownie ice cream in totally recyclable packaging.


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Oat Based Chocolate ice cream totally recyclable packaging  with Sabeena Z Ahmed





Seabrook Crisps Could you let me know when your crisp packets will be recyclable?


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 21, Seabrook Crisps non recyclable crisp packets with Sabeena Z Ahmed


Thank you!



The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, gluten free coconut pots totally recyclable, with Sabeena Ahmed
Coconut chocolate treats in totally recyclable packaging.




 The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, are these pineapple packets recyclable, with Sabeena Ahmed

Fairtrade organic pineapple from Uganda.


Tropical Wholefoods: I'd love to know if the pineapple packaging is biodegradable and compostable?





The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, when will the plastic film be recyclable? with Sabeena Ahmed


Waitrose & Partners When will the film for these scones be recyclable?




The last day of Plastic Free July 21.
Its been painful recovering from shoulders surgeries.
I hope I can gain the strength to continue my plastic free journey and blog in English and Urdu next year.
Look after your skin with natural sun screen packaged in 100% recycled plastic.


The Little Fair Trade Blog, Plastic Free July 2021, Odylique sunscreen with fairtrade shea butter in totally recyclable packaging, with Sabeena Ahmed



Conclusion and Continuation of Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July 2021 Badge

Due to my three surgeries and Covid-19 I have found the challenge very difficult and challenging this year.

I'd like to reiterate that I hope to continue my plastic and zero waste journey and reduce my consumption of menstrual hygiene and cleaning products and learn how to make my own soap, body wash, bread, conditioner and compost my waste..

It will be a long work in progress one that I am very passionate to change.

I hope to continue with Plastic Free July as long as I physically can.

Thank you for reading my blog and supporting a world with less plastic and zero waste.

Love, peace and blessings...


Also in The Little Fair Trade Blog

Easy Fairtrade Cocoa and Banana Brownies Recipe آسان فیئر ٹریڈ کوکو اور کیلے براؤنز کی ترکیب (Fairtrade Fortnight 2024) with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Easy Fairtrade Cocoa and Banana Brownies Recipe آسان فیئر ٹریڈ کوکو اور کیلے براؤنز کی ترکیب (Fairtrade Fortnight 2024) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Here is my Easy Fairtrade Cocoa and Fairtrade Bananas Recipe which I baked for Fairtrade Fortnight 2024.

I have tried my best to translate this recipe in Urdu.

یہ ہے میری ایزی فیئرٹریڈ کوکو اور فیئر ٹریڈ کیلے کی ترکیب جسے میں نے فیئر ٹریڈ فورٹ نائٹ 2024 کے لیے پکایا تھا۔

میں نے اس ترکیب کا اردو میں ترجمہ کرنے کی پوری کوشش کی ہے۔

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Fairtade Fortnight 2024 فیئر ٹریڈ فورنائٹ and Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary  فیئر ٹریڈ کی 30 ویں سالگرہ (English & Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Fairtade Fortnight 2024 فیئر ٹریڈ فورنائٹ and Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary فیئر ٹریڈ کی 30 ویں سالگرہ (English & Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary. 

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میرے دائیں کندھے میں اب بھی بہت درد ہے اور میں نے اس بلاگ کو ریکارڈ کرنے اور اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنے کے لیے بہت جدوجہد کی ہے۔

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August 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary
August 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.

I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میرے دائیں کندھے میں اب بھی بہت درد ہے اور میں نے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنے کے لیے بہت جدوجہد کی ہے۔

میں آخر کار اپنے سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 کے لیے ویڈیوز ریکارڈ

کرنے اور انہیں اپنے یوٹیوب چینل پر اپ لوڈ کرنے میں کامیاب ہو گی

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