“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

Live Below The Line 2014 - Dubai, UAE - Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

Live Below The Line 2014 - Dubai, UAE - Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop


 Live Below The Line 2014, Dubai, UAE 

 Live Below The Line 2014, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed and the Little Fair Trade Shop

Live Below The Line 2014 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates



During April/May of 2014 I decided to participate with Practical Action and Live Below The Line 2014 UK to highlight how 1 billion people around the world slept hungry every night and lived on less than one dollar a day.

The issue is one that is very close to my heart as my fairtrade work focuses on alleviating poverty.

Fairtrade supports the Sustainable Development Goals, and every individual deserves to live with dignity, respect and not spend a single night hungry.

I have summarised my experiences of the 5 day challenge below.

At the time of the challenge the exchange rate was 1GPB = 6AED.

My budget for 5 days was 30 dhirams.



'Someone else is happy with less than what you have.'



 2nd May 2014 - Day 5 (The Final Day)

Live Below The Line Day 5, 2014, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

 Day5 - #LiveBelowTheLine2014#Dubai#UAE


Here is a breakdown of my food cost for Friday 2nd May 2014.


0.22 - 1 slice of toast

0.10 - tsp peanut butter

0.15 fils - fairtrade teabag

0.22 fils - 14ml cream

0.12 fils - 2 1/2 tsp sugar

Total = 0.82 AED


0.62 fils - 1 egg

0.22 fils - 1 slice of toast

0.5 fils - 1/4 tsp tomato ketchup

Total 0.89 AED


1.13 AED - 300g chick peas

0.2 fils - spices

0.2 fils - 1 small onion

0.2 fils - corriander

0.2 fils - garnish

0.1 fils - a slice of tomato

0.5 fils - canola oil

0.75 fils - 75ml diet coke

0.37 fils - butter

Total 3.65 AED

Total cost for Friday 2nd May 2014 = 5.36 AED...

Balance of 8.14 AED - 5.36 = 2.78 AED

I'm very pleased I managed to eat within my weekly budget of 30 AED.

Many thanks to my dear sister Seema Bari and Zeba Qureshi from Manchester and Bolton, UK for their generous donations.



 1st May 2014 - Day 4 

 Live Below the Line 2014, Day 4 with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

 Day4 - #LiveBelowTheLine2014#Dubai#UAE


Here is a breakdown of my food cost for Thursday 1st May 2014.



Total = 0.00 AED



0.75 fils - 75g flour 

15g sugar 

0.37 fils - 10g butter 

1.05 AED - 175 ml milk 

0.05 fils - 0.5g salt 

0.15 fils - fairtrade teabag 

0.22 fils - 14ml cream 

0.12 fils - 2 1/2 tsp sugar 

Total 2.48 AED



1 AED - 100g yoghurt

0.12 - 20ml milk

1.69 AED - 1 banana

Total 2.81 AED

Total cost for Thursday 1st May 2014 = 5.29 AED...

Balance of 13.43 - 5.29 = 8.14 AED



30th April 2014 - Day 3

 Live Below the Line 2014, Day 3 with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

   Day3 - #LiveBelowTheLine2014#Dubai#UAE


Here are my costs for Wednesday 30th April 2014.



Total = 0.00



0.75 fils - 75g flour

0.37 fils - 10g butter

0.15 fils - fairtrade teabag

0.22 fils - 14ml cream

0.12 fils - 2 1/2 tsp sugar

Total 1.57 AED



1 AED - 100g yoghurt

0.75 fils - 75g rice

0.45 fils - 1 small potato

1.35 AED - 65g mixed vegetables

0.20 fils - 1 small onion

0.5 fils - spices

0.5 fils - oil

Total 3.85 AED

Total cost for Wednesday 30th April 2014 = 5.42 AED...

Balance of 18.85 - 5.52 = 13.43 AED


I was very upset when I received a message from the Live Below Line Team, UK suggesting I wasn't making an effort to raise the profile of the campaign.

I had posted on social media and contacted The National and Gulf News newspapers for support. What is a girl to do?

I felt my efforts weren't appreciated and that the team in London were unsympathetic and were oblivious to the circumstances regarding UAE social media law/regulations.

As a UAE resident I am prohibited from posting any links for donations or crowdfunding pages without the approval of the UAE government.

The automated message specified I was struggling to raise awareness and I deemed it was derogatory and inappropriate.

I was demotivated. I honestly thought the whole purpose of the 5 day challenge was to experience what its like to live below the poverty line, feel hunger and not care about how monetary targets?

Enough of my rant...

On a lighter note...

I was elated to receive a message from Nastascia Radice curator of TedxDubai, who wanted to discuss my experience as a participant of Live Below The Line Dubai, UAE and attend a Tedx Salon next month.

Unfortunately, I couldn't attend as I had to care for my mother who was coping with metastatic breast cancer.



29th April 2014 - Day 2


Live Below the Line 2014, Day 2 with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

    Day2 - #LiveBelowTheLine2014#Dubai#UAE


 Here are my costs for Tuesday 29th April 2014.


0.9 fils - 30g 0ats

0.41 fils - 1/2 a banana

1.2 AED - 15g blueberries

Total = 2.52



0.58 fils - 50g cous cous

1.51 AED - 3 baby courgettes

0.20 fils - 1 onion

0.5 fils - spices

0.5 fils - oil 

Total 2.39 AED



1.25 AED - 2 eggs

0.20 fils - 1 onion

0.5 fils - spices

0.5 fils - oil

Total 1.50

Total cost for Tuesday 29th April 2014 = 6.41 AED...

I did manage to carry a balance of 1.26 from Monday so currently I have a

balance of 18 AED and 85 fils.

It was very challenging second day as I had a terrible migraine all day. 


28th April 2014 - Day 1

 Live Below the Line 2014, Day 1 with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

Day1 - #LiveBelowTheLine2014#Dubai#UAE


A breakdown of costs for Monday 28th April 2014


Costs - 0.00



0.44 fils - 2 slices of toast

0.37 fils - 5g of butter

0.22 fils - 15g cream

0.15 fils - fairtrade teabag

0.20 fils - 2  1/2 tsp sugar

1.35Aed - 1 apple


Total 2.73 AED



0.5 fils - 50g rice

0.26 fils - 50g moong dal

0.5 fils - 1 onion

0.15 fils - spices

0.30 fils - oil

0.15 fils - tomatoes

0.15 fils - yoghurt 

Total 2.01

Food costs for Monday 28th April 2014 = 4.74 AED...


During the first day of the challenge and I was feeling under the weather.

I just couldn't stomach any food all day.

I managed to find the strength to get to the kitchen and make myself a fairtrade brew, 2 slices of brown toast and eat a small apple.

I had a sore throat and decided to have an early night.

I prayed for a better day tomorrow, Insha'Allah, (God willing). 

Thank you for supporting Practical Action and their work to help end global poverty.



27th April 2014 - Preparation

 Live Below the Line 2014, Weighing food with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop

Weighing my food for Live Below The Line 2014


I finally measured my ingredients for Monday's menu.

Am feeling silently confident. 

Looking forward to my healthy breakfast of 30g oats, half a banana and 15g of blueberries. :)  



I'm so pleased I signed up for the challenge. It was a definite eye opener into the lives of millions who live on less than 1 dollar a day. It has given me a better understanding of money, farmers, the price of food, what it means to live without daily comforts and a life without basic necessities.

From a personal perspective it was a challenging 5 days and health wise the migraine on day 2 was debilitating.

Disappointed I didn't receive any support from the Practical Action team in the United Kingdom.

I thoroughly enjoyed preparing the meals for days 4 and 5 and capturing images for this blog.

Eternally grateful to my family in the United Kingdom for supporting my campaigns and fairtrade initiatives.


About Practical Action and Live Below The Line

Practical Action is an innovative international development organisation putting ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world.

Source: Practical Action


Live Below The Line 2014, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop


Living Below the Line challenges individuals and communities to eat and drink on just £1 a day for 5 days. By taking part you will shine a light on the 1.2 billion people who live below the extreme poverty line and help people to think differently about hunger and the choices we make every day.

In 2015, our 696 Live Below the Line participants raised over £50,000 to combat malnutrition around the world

Will you challenge yourself and join them in the fight against hunger?

There is enough food in the world for everyone and yet tonight 1 in 9 people will go to bed hungry. We want to change the way people in the UK think about hunger and in the process raise funds to end it. By challenging yourself to live on £1 a day for food and drink, you can help us achieve this.



Further Reading and Links

Practical Action


Take Practical Action and Live Below The Line 2014

Also in The Little Fair Trade Blog

May 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary
May 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.

Despite my pain I managed to edit my Fairtrade Ramadan 2024 video.

I happy to announce that I completed my 12th year participating in the Six Items Challenge 2024 with Labour Behind The Label.

I hope to upload videos of my Six Items Challenge 2024 when I feel better.

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میرے دائیں کندھے میں اب بھی بہت درد ہے اور میں نے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنے کے لیے بہت جدوجہد کی ہے۔

اپنی تکلیف کے باوجود میں اپنی فیئر ٹریڈ رمضان 2024 ویڈیو ایڈٹ اور پوسٹ کرنے میں کامیاب رہی 

مجھے یہ اعلان کرتے ہوئے خوشی ہو رہی ہے کہ میں نے لیبر کے پیچھے لیبر کے ساتھ سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 میں حصہ لیتے ہوئے اپنا 12 واں سال مکمل کر لیا ہے۔

مجھے امید ہے کہ جب میں بہتر محسوس کرونگی  تو اپنے سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 کی ویڈیوز اپ لوڈ کرونگی ۔


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World Fair Trade Day 2024, ۲۰۲۴ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے with Sabeena Z Ahmed
World Fair Trade Day 2024, ۲۰۲۴ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This year the World Fair Trade Day was observed on the 11th May 2024.

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) theme was ''Business Revolution.''

This year I was unable to record a video in English or Urdu but did manage to handwrite a poster in English and Urdu.

Translation in Urdu

اس سال عالمی منصفانہ تجارت کا دن 11 مئی 2024 کو منایا گیا۔

ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ آرگنائزیشن (WFTO) کا تھیم ''بزنس ریوولوٹن'' تھا۔

اس سال میں انگریزی یا اردو میں ویڈیو ریکارڈ  نہیں کر سکی لیکن انگریزی اور اردو میں پوسٹر ہاتھ سے لکھنے میں کامیاب رہی۔


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World Cancer Day 2024 ورلڈ کینسر ڈے (Engish and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed
World Cancer Day 2024 ورلڈ کینسر ڈے (Engish and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This World Cancer Day 2024 I  hand wrote the poster in Urdu and English and posted it to my Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Profiles.

I attended a sisters only art therapy workshop with my sister Irem, this workshop was organised by The Muslim Bereavement Support Service.

Due to my own going shoulder issues I have struggled with my right shoulder to type this blog has been painful to type.

اس ورلڈ کینسر ڈے 2024 میں میں نے ہاتھ سے پوسٹر اردو اور انگریزی میں لکھا اور اسے اپنے X، Facebook اور LinkedIn پروفائلز پر پوسٹ کیا۔

میں نے اپنی بہن ارم کے ساتھ ایک سسٹرس اونلی آرٹ تھراپی ورکشاپ میں شرکت کی، یہ ورکشاپ دی مسلم بیریومنٹ سپورٹ سروس نے منعقد کی تھی۔

میرے اپنے کندھے کے مسائل کی وجہ سے میں نے اپنے دائیں کندھے سے ٹائپ کرنے کے لئے جدوجہد کی ہے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنا تکلیف دہ رہا ہے۔

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