Happy New Year!
This month despite being very poorly and being hospitalised most of the month with high blood pressure,
I continued with Plastic Free July and purchased a bamboo toothbrush.
Started an Up-cycling From Green Ideas to Starting a Business - Living in Minca and supported Gombook's Give A Ghaf Planting Tree Program at Sustainable City Dubai.
This month I continued with Plastic Free July and purchased a bamboo toothbrush.
Bamboo Toothbrush
Good for the environment and good for you
Bamboo Toothbrush
As nations and cities urbanize, develop economically, and grow in terms of population, the World Bank estimates that waste generation will increase from 2.01 billion tonnes in 2020 to 3.40 billion tonnes in 2050. At least 33% of this waste is mismanaged globally today through open dumping or burning.
How can you turn an upcycling idea into action? This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn about upcycling and or launch an upcycling business.
Over the next three weeks, you will learn about the concept of upcycling, identify the environmental problem your idea is trying to solve, design your venture model and prepare to take it to the market. You will also learn how to make things out of trash. We have brought examples of upcycling businesses from all over the world. Successful Entrepreneurs will give you advice and recommendations on how to develop your own upcycling business idea and you will have the opportunity to pitch for mentoring support from our experts.
Source and Credit Dr Sara Calvo and Living In Minca
Proud to support Give A Ghaf Tree Initiative with Social Enterprise Goumbook, at Sustainable City, Dubai, UAE - January 2020
This January I decided to start my year of self-care, healing and fulfilling ambitions by supporting a fantastic social enterprise Goumbook.
It also reminded me of my mothers love for nature and gardening.
My beloved mother also planted an apple and pear tree in her garden before her passing.
On a beautiful Saturday morning, I headed over to the Sustainable City, Dubai to participate in the Give A Ghaf Tree Initiative.
Sustainable City, Dubai, UAE - January 2020
Sabeena Ahmed with the Goumbook ladies
I walked over to the Goumbook stand and met Jenaleen asked me to fill the pots with soil.
Filling the plant pots with soil
Sabeena shaking excess soil from plant pots
To read more about my Give A Ghaf participation click here.
Plastic Free July 2019 with Sabeena Ahmed
Plant A Ghaf Tree Initiative - Goumbook
Up-cycling From Green Ideas To Starting A Business - Living in Minca
This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary.
This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.
I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.
Translation in Urdu