“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

August 2016 Newsletter Blog Summary

August 2016 Newsletter Blog Summary



Summer Palace and fountains Alhambra Palace, Granada Spain August 16

 Summer Palace and fountains at Alhambra Palace


This August I became a worldwide signatory at the International Business Standards Organization, fulfilled a travelling ambition, visited a fair trade supplier in York and retailer in London.


Please click on the August 2016 Newsletter Video Blog Summary below.



At the beginning of the month I received my certificate from the International Business Standards Organization (IBSO).

Certificate issued by the International Business Standards Organization August 2016

As a signatory of the Worldwide Charter for Fair International Commerce to Support Key Principles of Responsibility, Ethics, Environmental Protection as well as Economic and Social Development


I also had afternoon tea with the bubbly Anna Sadeghpour and thank her for writing about The Little Fair Trade Shop in her blog,

10 Easy Ways To Make a Difference in Dubai.


Anna Sadeghpour of AnaHata Dubai Community Service Blog

 The lovely Anna Sadeghpour




For many years I had wanted to visit Spain and learn about the Moors I was delighted to find a UK tour operator who organised Islamic tours around Spain. 


I decided to take my younger sister Irem who turned 40 this year on a surprise holiday to Spain. It was a bitter sweet experience as it was our first birthday's without Mum.


I hope to write another blog soon illustrating the tour around Islamic Spain.


For the time being I'm attaching a few beautiful memories of our visit.


Alhambra Palace visited August 16

 Alhambra Palace and lion fountains


Al Hambra Palace - the city visited August 16

 Alhambra Palace and Fort


Summer Palace and fountains at the Alhambra Palace visited August 16

 The Summer Palace and fountains at Alhambra Palace


Historical York and Shared Earth

I spent most of August with my siblings in London and mustered the energy to board a train to historical York to visit Shared Earth and talk with founder and owner Jeremy Piercy.


Shared Earth York UK visited August 16
Shared Earth, York, United Kingdom


Arlene at Shared Earth York UK visited August 16
Arlene at Shared Earth, York, United Kingdom


Shared Earth York United Kingdom downstairs visited August 16
Shared Earth shop downstairs


Shared Earth wooden fairtrade gifts displayed downstairs
Gorgeous fairtrade gifts displayed at Shared Earth


My sister Irem admiring a fairtrade mosaic dish at Shared Earth, York, UK
My sister Irem admiring a fairtrade mosaic dish


Shared Earth, York, UK upstairs
The colourful first floor at Shared Earth


Shared Earth scarves displayed upstairs visited August 16
Fairtrade scarves at Shared Earth


Shared Earth founder and owner Jeremy Piercy with me!
Author and MD of Shared Earth Jeremy Piercy and me!



The York flagship store was founded in 1986 by Mr Piercy and is beautifully adorned with fairtrade products from around the world.


Shared Earth has a another branch in the North of England so if you are visiting from abroad please make sure you visit the Liverpool store and shop to your fairtrade hearts content.


Mr Piercy is seasoned traveller and has travelled extensively around the world, while reading his autobiography I was happy to learn that as a teenager decided to backpack through India and Pakistan.


Many thanks to David, Jay, Arlene, Nancy, Louie and Jeremy for their assistance and making my visit to Shared Earth a memorable one.


Thank you for signing my copy of Jeremy Piercy's fairtrade book ''Coffins, Cats and Fair Trade Sex Toys.''



London's Fairtrade Shops

 Fair Deal Organic & Fair Trade, Cricklewood, London


During my last day in London I decided to pop into my local fairtrade store. Fair Deal Organic and Fair Trade is located in Cricklewood, North London and aisle six is brimming full of fairtrade beverages, chocolate and other eco gifts.


Fair Deal Organic and Fair Trade - Cricklewood, London, UK visited August 16

Fair Deal Organic and Fair Trade Shop, Cricklewood, London, UK


Fairtrade tea heaven

Fairtrade tea lovers paradise


So pleased to see Zaytoun dates at Fair Trade Organic and Fair Trade Cricklewood, London

 Zaytoun dates at Fair Deal Organic and Fair Trade


I purchased Green and Blacks cocoa powder, Zaytoun dates and Ecoforce sponge scourers. :)

I hope to visit other fairtrade shops in London on my next visit and will keep you updated about new posts.

Thank you for reading and viewing the photographs in this blog which were captured by my Fairphone 2, number 17,418. :)

I would encourage everyone to support fairtrade and ethical producers wherever you are in the world.

Best regards

Me outside the Shared Earth Flagship store York, UK

Me outside Shared Earth York and the Cathedral


Further Reading and Links

International Business Standards Organization (IBSO)

AnaHata Dubai Community Service Blog

Shared Earth About Us Page

Coffins, Cats and Fair Trade Sex Toys

Jeremy Piercy

Fair Deal Organic and Fair Trade

Fairphone 2

Also in The Little Fair Trade Blog

December 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog
December 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog

This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.

I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor 

and textile and apparel market.'

These webinars were organised by ITC.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میں اپنے دائیں کندھے کے علاج سے صحت یاب ہوتی راہی۔

میں نے 'گھر کی سجاوٹ اور ٹیکسٹائل اور ملبوسات کی مارکیٹ کو سمجھنا' کے بارے میں دو ویبنرز میں شرکت کی۔

اس ویبنارز کا اہتمام ITC    

نے کیا تھا۔

Continue Reading →

November 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary
November 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary


This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.

I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میں اپنے دائیں کندھے کے علاج سے صحت یاب ہوتی راہی ۔

میں ورلڈ سوشل انٹرپرائز ڈے 2024 ریموٹ ویبینار میں شرکت کرنے میں کامیاب راہی۔


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Update October 2024 - Living with Invisible Disabilities and Chronic Pain with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Update October 2024 - Living with Invisible Disabilities and Chronic Pain with Sabeena Z Ahmed


I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

میں نے اپنے بلاگ کو غیر مرئی معذوری اور دائمی درد کے ساتھ رہنے کے بارے میں اپ ڈیٹ کیا ہے جو میں نے 2021 میں لکھا تھا۔


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