Fair trade Pakistan
I fulfilled a life time ambition to visit Pakistan December 2011 and February 2015 and met the only two fair trade certified organisations in Karachi and Rawalpindi.
I also conducted interviews with a government official and non profit organisations who are working towards implementing the ten principles of fair trade. Each organisation has a dual role and purpose;
1. to support rural artisans establish and develop strong sustainable projects and
2. revive traditional skills and techniques.
I completed producing and editing a series of short films and a documentary to create awareness for fair trade in Pakistan.
Mr Younus Inayat, businessman and marble specialist
I feel very honoured and humbled to be representing the most inspirational ladies and artisans around the world.
The Dominion Traders
Fairly traded Marble and Onyx Producers
The Dominion Traders have been promoting the principles of fair trade in Pakistan since 1947.
I had the good fortune of interviewing Mr Syed Fahad Ali, Chief Executive Officer and his team of talented artisans when I visited their offices and factory, December 2011.
Since it's inception the organisation has supported approximately 60 employees who are treated with the utmost love and respect. Employees receive fair wages, are employed in good working conditions and are provided with medical care.
The Little Fair Trade Shop's interview with Syed Fahad Ali CEO of The Dominion Traders.
The Little Fair Trade Shop's interview with Younis Inayat. Businessman and Senior Fair Trade Artisan working with The Dominion Traders, Pakistan.
You an watch Mr Syed Fahad Ali's interview at 2 minutes
and 35 seconds
I hope to post the new interviews recorded February 2015 with Mr Inayat and Mr Syed Fahad Ali soon.
The Dominion Traders artisans with Syed Fahad Ali
Thank you for reading.
Further Reading and Links
The Dominion Traders
This month I supported fairtrade fortnight 2024 and celebrated Fairtrade's 30th Anniversary.
This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.
I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024 and upload them to my YouTube Channel.
Translation in Urdu